Desire of Ages

The Desire of Ages is a biography of Jesus Christ aimed at revealing him as the fulfillment of humanity’s deepest longings. Published in 1898, the book traces Jesus’ life from his preincarnate existence to his ascension after the crucifixion. The book goes to lengths to show that Jesus interacted with the world as a man and faced temptations and trials just as we do. The book delves into Jesus’ teachings, miracles, and parables, aiming to show their relevance to everyday life. It emphasizes God’s love and desire for a relationship with humanity.

Here are some of the book’s central themes:

  • Jesus as the embodiment of God’s love and the answer to humanity’s yearning for something greater.
  • The meaning of Jesus’ teachings and how they can be applied in daily life.
  • The significance of Jesus’ miracles as demonstrations of God’s power and compassion.
  • The centrality of the cross and the resurrection in the Christian faith.

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